5:00 PM17:00

AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum

This Meets Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) online support group is designed for autistic adults seeking connections with like-minded individuals, whether diagnosed or self-identified. Sharing experiences with someone who truly understands can rejuvenate, providing the energy needed to navigate the journey ahead.

What: Join us for group discussions delving into the significance of community inclusion, strategies for enhancing community accessibility, the power of self-advocacy, and any other topics that resonate with our attendees’ interests.

How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When: The Adult group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. On months with five weeks, we add an extra session.
Due to facilitator availability in January, we were unable to add the extra session, so in February, we have sessions on February 5th, 12th, and 26th.

Who: The group is a safe place for autistic adults to share their personal journeys and challenges in a supportive environment. Everybody’s lived experiences, and personal stories are important. Please feel free to join, listen to, or share whether you have a diagnosis or self-identify!

Facilitator Hosting Schedule: AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) Facilitator Schedule 2024

Cost: Free

Registration Process — Sign Up for Our Meets Program & Stay Informed!

  1. Register: Click the link below to sign in and fill out the form to join.

  2. Select Newsletters: Choose the categories you’d like to subscribe to by checking the boxes and opting in to receive our communications.

  3. Submit: After selecting your preferences, submit the form to complete your registration.

  4. Manage Subscriptions: To unsubscribe, log into the portal and adjust your preferences under “Join E-mail Lists” on the left side.

By subscribing, you agree to receive related reminder emails, follow-ups, and information about additional programming and communications.


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10:00 AM10:00

AutismBC Meets: 0-10yrs

This Meets virtual group is for parents and caregivers of autistic children aged 10 years and under. 

We are here to provide you with resources and information to empower you to make decisions and find support. Sometimes, all you need is to connect with someone who “gets it” and be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while. We’re hassle-free! Bring yourself, your listening ears, and maybe a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. 

How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When: 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 10:00 AM — 11:00 AM

Who: Parents and Caregivers of aged 10 and under autistic children or those awaiting an autism assessment. 

Cost: Free

Our Vancouver Island Regional Coordinator, Sarah Taylor,  hosts the Meets, with additional Regional Coordinators taking turns as co-facilitators. 

Registration Process:

Please log in to your AutismBC account after clicking the link. Once logged in, you will be able to select which subscription lists you would like to opt into. By subscribing, you agree to receive related reminder emails, follow-ups, and information about additional programming and communications.


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10:00 AM10:00

AutismBC Meets: 10+ years to Adulthood

This Meets virtual group is for parents and caregivers of autistic children and youth who are aged 10+ years and into adulthood. 

We are here to provide you with resources and information to empower you in making decisions and finding support.

Sometimes, all you need is to connect with someone who “gets it” and to be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while.

We’re hassle-free! Come as you are, and feel free to bring a mug of your favourite coffee or tea! 


How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When: The 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month, 10:00 AM — 11:00 AM 

Who: Parents and Caregivers of age 10+ years children and youth on the autism spectrum. 

Cost: Free

Our Regional Coordinators and community members facilitate the Meets. 


Registration Process — Sign Up for Our Meets Program & Stay Informed!

  1. Register: Click the link below to sign in and fill out the form to join.

  2. Select Newsletters: Choose the categories you’d like to subscribe to by checking the boxes, and opting in to receive our communications.

  3. Submit: After selecting your preferences, submit the form to complete your registration.

  4. Manage Subscriptions: To unsubscribe, log into the portal and adjust your preferences under “Join E-mail Lists” on the left side.

By subscribing, you agree to receive related reminder emails, follow-ups, and information about additional programming and communications.


View Event →
5:00 PM17:00

AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum

This Meets Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) online support group is designed for autistic adults seeking connections with like-minded individuals, whether diagnosed or self-identified. Sharing experiences with someone who truly understands can rejuvenate, providing the energy needed to navigate the journey ahead.

What: Join us for group discussions delving into the significance of community inclusion, strategies for enhancing community accessibility, the power of self-advocacy, and any other topics that resonate with our attendees’ interests.

How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When: The Adult group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. On months with five weeks, we add an extra session.
Due to facilitator availability in January, we were unable to add the extra session, so in February, we have sessions on February 5th, 12th, and 26th.

Who: The group is a safe place for autistic adults to share their personal journeys and challenges in a supportive environment. Everybody’s lived experiences, and personal stories are important. Please feel free to join, listen to, or share whether you have a diagnosis or self-identify!

Facilitator Hosting Schedule: AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) Facilitator Schedule 2024

Cost: Free

Registration Process — Sign Up for Our Meets Program & Stay Informed!

  1. Register: Click the link below to sign in and fill out the form to join.

  2. Select Newsletters: Choose the categories you’d like to subscribe to by checking the boxes and opting in to receive our communications.

  3. Submit: After selecting your preferences, submit the form to complete your registration.

  4. Manage Subscriptions: To unsubscribe, log into the portal and adjust your preferences under “Join E-mail Lists” on the left side.

By subscribing, you agree to receive related reminder emails, follow-ups, and information about additional programming and communications.


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1:00 PM13:00

AutismBC Meets: Families/Caregivers of Autistic Adults

This Meets online group is for parents and caregivers of autistic adults who are aged 18+ years and transitioning into adult support and services.   

Sometimes, all you need is to connect with people who “get it” and to be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while. 

How: We’re hassle-free! Bring yourself and your listening ears, and maybe a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. 

When: Second Wednesday of each month, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM 

Who: Parents and caregivers of autistic adults. This Meets is administered by our Information Officer, Lindy Chau, and community member Pam Collins. 

Pam brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to the group, and we are confident that their guidance will make our gatherings even more engaging and enriching.

Get ready for inspiring discussions and a supportive community where everyone’s ideas are valued.

Here is the link to Pam’s bio: About Pam — Neurodiverse-Affirming Parent Coach.

Cost: Free

Registration Process — Sign Up for Our Meets Program & Stay Informed!

  1. Register: Click the link below to sign in and fill out the form to join.

  2. Select Newsletters: Choose the categories you’d like to subscribe to by checking the boxes, and opting in to receive our communications.

  3. Submit: After selecting your preferences, submit the form to complete your registration.

  4. Manage Subscriptions: To unsubscribe, log into the portal and adjust your preferences under “Join E-mail Lists” on the left side.

By subscribing, you agree to receive related reminder emails, follow-ups, and information about additional programming and communications.


View Event →
5:00 PM17:00

AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum

This Meets Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) online support group is designed for autistic adults seeking connections with like-minded individuals, whether diagnosed or self-identified. Sharing experiences with someone who truly understands can rejuvenate, providing the energy needed to navigate the journey ahead.

What: Join us for group discussions delving into the significance of community inclusion, strategies for enhancing community accessibility, the power of self-advocacy, and any other topics that resonate with our attendees’ interests.

How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When: The Adult group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. On months with five weeks, we add an extra session.
Due to facilitator availability in January, we were unable to add the extra session, so in February, we have sessions on February 5th, 12th, and 26th.

Who: The group is a safe place for autistic adults to share their personal journeys and challenges in a supportive environment. Everybody’s lived experiences, and personal stories are important. Please feel free to join, listen to, or share whether you have a diagnosis or self-identify!

Facilitator Hosting Schedule: AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) Facilitator Schedule 2024

Cost: Free

Registration Process — Sign Up for Our Meets Program & Stay Informed!

  1. Register: Click the link below to sign in and fill out the form to join.

  2. Select Newsletters: Choose the categories you’d like to subscribe to by checking the boxes and opting in to receive our communications.

  3. Submit: After selecting your preferences, submit the form to complete your registration.

  4. Manage Subscriptions: To unsubscribe, log into the portal and adjust your preferences under “Join E-mail Lists” on the left side.

By subscribing, you agree to receive related reminder emails, follow-ups, and information about additional programming and communications.


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1:00 PM13:00

AutismBC Goes: The Hobbit and VIP Guided Tour

Join AutismBC for a relaxed performance of The Hobbit and an exclusive VIP guided tour. Experience JRR Tolkien’s timeless adventure as it unfolds on stage with only two performers bringing Bilbo Baggins’ unexpected journey to life. From encounters with wizards and dwarves to second breakfasts and lasting friendships, this family-friendly performance will transport you to Middle Earth. Designed for neurodivergent audiences, relaxed performances ensure a welcoming, low-pressure environment for all to enjoy.

The guided tour will happen after the show is over. You will have a chance to see the set and props up close, work the lighting and sound cues, see what a dressing room and green room look like, and more.

What: A relaxed performance of “The Hobbit” with a VIP guided tour sponsored by AutismBC and in partnership with Pacific Theatre

When: Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, from 1–4:30 PM

Tentative schedule: 

  • 1:00 PM – Arrival: Get seat assignments, food and drinks, find the washrooms, meet and greet with Anne

  • 1:50 – Be seated

  • 2:00 – Show starts

  • 3:00 (approximate) – Intermission, bathroom and sensory breaks

  • 3:45 (approximate) – Show resumes

  • 4:00 – Show ends; the group remains seated

  • 4:10 – Tour starts

  • 4:30 – Tour ends

Where: Pacific Theatre, 1440 West 12th Ave., on the corner of 12th and Hemlock (Google Map link)

Who: We have 20 pairs of tickets (40 total) for Family and Adult members to attend our upcoming event. Membership is required to participate.

*** Experience/sensory warning***: A fog machine and strobe lights will be used during this performance.

How to enter:

  1. Registration opens on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024, at 9 AM and closes on Nov. 21, 2024 at noon 

    1. After the registration period closes, we’ll randomly select 20 members who will each receive two tickets.

    2. All entries have an equal chance to win; winners will be notified by Nov. 30, 2024. Make sure to enter within the registration window for your chance to attend.

Entry rules and details:

  • We will create a waitlist in case any of the selected winning members cannot attend. The waitlisted members can be next in line for a spot if a member drops out

  • Winning tickets will be drawn at random and provided electronically before the performance

  • If you have won tickets from AutismBC in the past six months but did not attend the event and did not provide a cancellation notice, you will be placed on the waitlist

  • Two tickets max per household membership

Thank you to Pacific Theatre for providing five complimentary tickets for this event.

You must be an AutismBC Member to be eligible to attend this event. Not yet a member? Sign up here: Join now.

If you’re having difficulties with your login, please email us at hello@autismbc.ca


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10:00 AM10:00

AutismBC Meets: 10+ years to Adulthood

This Meets virtual group is for parents and caregivers of autistic children and youth who are aged 10+ years and into adulthood. 

We are here to help provide you with resources and information to help empower you in making decisions and finding support. Sometimes, all you need is to connect with someone who “gets it” and to be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while. We’re hassle-free! Just bring yourself and your listening ears, and maybe a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. 

How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When: The 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month, 10:00 AM — 11:00 AM

Who: Parents and Caregivers of age 10+ years children and youth on the autism spectrum. 

Cost: Free

The Meets are facilitated by our Regional Coordinators and community members.


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5:00 PM17:00

AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum

This Meets Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) virtual meetup is designed for autistic adults seeking connections with like-minded individuals, whether diagnosed or self-identified. Sharing experiences with someone who truly understands can rejuvenate, providing the energy needed to navigate the journey ahead.

What: Join us for group discussions delving into the significance of community inclusion, strategies for enhancing community accessibility, the power of self-advocacy, and any other topics that resonate with the interests of our attendees.

How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When:This support group runs on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

Who:The group is a safe place for autistic adults to share their personal journeys with autism and the challenges they face in a safe and supportive environment. Everybody’s lived experiences and personal stories are important. Please feel free to join, listen or share whether you have a diagnosis or self-identify!

This Meets is facilitated by community members.

Facilitator Schedule: AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) Facilitator Schedule 2024

Cost: Free


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6:00 PM18:00

AutismBC Socials: Minecraft Club

AutismBC Socials offers community members with common interests and hobbies a way to connect openly and safely online. Our computer-based Minecraft Club hosted by Elysium on Zoom is an inclusive space for child & youth Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and play! Our mission is to inspire connection through sharing tips and tricks and playing together. 

How:  We bring you our monthly Minecraft Socials in partnership with Elysium, a non-profit building a Minecraft community for neurodivergent kids! Meet and play with other kids who love Minecraft over a moderated Zoom video call and on the private, white-listed server.

When:  November 28, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm 

Who: If your child/youth is a seasoned Minecraft player and familiar with the Elysium server, join this Intermediate/Advanced Club!  The Elysium Minecraft server is a whitelisted, supportive, and inclusive environment. It is available any time outside the monthly event for unstructured, safe play and social connection. This AutismBC Social Minecraft Club is administered by Michael & Serene, program volunteers with the Elysium team. 

While activities may range from month to month, we will play on Elysium’s modded RPG survival world. You will be able to:

  • Build your own survival base

  • Level up and earn in-game money by picking up mining, hunting, or crafting jobs.

  • Buy, sell, and trade resources from shopkeepers, villagers, and other players.

  • Participate in group challenges like building battles & mini-games while learning structured team play. 

Cost: Free*; AutismBC membership is required to participate in the event. *(One-time purchase of Minecraft Java Edition Software for PC/Mac)

Don’t have an AutismBC membership? It’s free! Signup here: https://www.autismbc.ca/about/membership/


Before you register…

Registration Requirements: To register, all participants must have the following:

  • Purchase of Minecraft Java Edition for PC/Mac only is required.

  • Please click here if you need to purchase Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition for PC Deluxe Edition

  • You must log in to your AutismBC membership account to register.

  • Minecraft Java Edition (iPad, tablet or mobile devices are NOT compatible)

  • Zoom installed

  • First-time participants: If you have not already purchased Minecraft, please choose the “assisted set-up option” when you are registering for the event.  


View Event →
10:00 AM10:00

AutismBC Meets: 10+ years to Adulthood

This Meets virtual group is for parents and caregivers of autistic children and youth who are aged 10+ years and into adulthood. 

We are here to help provide you with resources and information to help empower you in making decisions and finding support. Sometimes, all you need is to connect with someone who “gets it” and to be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while. We’re hassle-free! Just bring yourself and your listening ears, and maybe a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. 

How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When: The 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month, 10:00 AM — 11:00 AM

Who: Parents and Caregivers of age 10+ years children and youth on the autism spectrum. 

Cost: Free

The Meets are facilitated by our Regional Coordinators and community members.


View Event →
5:00 PM17:00

AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum

This Meets Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) virtual meetup is designed for autistic adults seeking connections with like-minded individuals, whether diagnosed or self-identified. Sharing experiences with someone who truly understands can rejuvenate, providing the energy needed to navigate the journey ahead.

What: Join us for group discussions delving into the significance of community inclusion, strategies for enhancing community accessibility, the power of self-advocacy, and any other topics that resonate with the interests of our attendees.

How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When:This support group runs on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

Who:The group is a safe place for autistic adults to share their personal journeys with autism and the challenges they face in a safe and supportive environment. Everybody’s lived experiences and personal stories are important. Please feel free to join, listen or share whether you have a diagnosis or self-identify!

This Meets is facilitated by community members.

Facilitator Schedule: AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) Facilitator Schedule 2024

Cost: Free


View Event →
4:00 PM16:00

AutismBC Socials: Introduction to Minecraft

AutismBC Socials offers community members with common interests and hobbies a way to connect openly and safely online.

Our computer-based Introduction to Minecraft hosted by Elysium is an inclusive space for child & youth Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and play! Our mission is to inspire connection through sharing tips and tricks and playing together. 

How:  We bring you our monthly Minecraft Socials in partnership with Elysium, a non-profit building a Minecraft server community for neurodivergent kids! Come meet and play with other kids who love Minecraft over a moderated Zoom video call and on the private, white-listed server. 

When: November 26, 2024, from 4:00 – 5:00 pm 

Who: If your child/youth has been playing Minecraft for less than a year or if you’ve never played Minecraft on the Elysium server before — this is the right group for you. The Elysium Minecraft server is a whitelisted, supportive, and inclusive environment. It is available any time outside the monthly event for unstructured, safe play and social connection. This AutismBC Social Minecraft Club is administered by Michael & Serene, program volunteers with the Elysium team. 

While activities may range from month to month, we will play on Elysium’s modded RPG survival world.

We will focus on teaching and practicing the fundamentals of the game, including: 

  • Building any structure your heart desires 

  • Exploring a Survival World 

  • Farming and taming pets

  • Buy, sell, and trade resources from shopkeepers, villagers, and other players.

  • Participate in group challenges like building battles & mini-games while learning structured team play. 

Cost: Free*; AutismBC membership is required to participate in the event. *(One-time purchase of Minecraft Java Edition Software for PC/Mac)

Don’t have an AutismBC membership? It’s free! Signup here: https://www.autismbc.ca/about/membership/


Registration Requirements: To register, all participants must have the following:

  • A Computer or Laptop: (PC, Mac, or Linux)

    • Note: Chromebooks are not compatible with Minecraft.

  • A Personal Minecraft Java Edition Account:

  • A Microphone and Headphones/Earbuds

  • A Mouse: (With easy-to-use, left and right click buttons – not a trackpad)

  • A Reliable Internet Connection

  • A Webcam: (Optional, but highly recommended!)

  • A Second Monitor or Large Screen: (To view Zoom)

  • Zoom app installed

Note: First-time participants: If you have not purchased Minecraft, please select the “assisted set-up option” when registering for the event.  

You must log in to your AutismBC membership account to register.


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11:00 AM11:00

AutismBC Goes: Sensory-Friendly Santa

Join us for AutismBC Goes to Sensory-Friendly Santa—a warm and welcoming holiday experience crafted especially for families with sensory sensitivities. This AutismBC-sponsored event, in partnership with  Westshore Town Centre and Jon-Mark Photography, provides a calm, sensory-friendly environment for 10 families to enjoy a memorable visit with Santa.

Holiday crowds, bright lights, and bustling sounds can be overwhelming for many, especially those with sensory sensitivities. To create a more comfortable experience, the mall will be closed to the public during this hour, ensuring a quiet and relaxed setting where families can truly enjoy this festive moment.

What’s included: 

  • Five-minute private visit to meet and take photos with Santa Claus for ten families 

  • One complimentary photo to capture the magical moment 


  • Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024, 10-11 AM

  • Each winning family will receive a personalized time slot within the specified hour


  • AutismBC Greater Victoria and South Island Members 

  • Adults must have an autistic child to enter

  • This event is not intended for professionals


Entry details:   

  • Registration opens on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024, at 9 AM and closes on Nov. 19, 2024 at noon 

  • Winning spots will be drawn at random, and winning families will receive a secure link to book their time with Santa

  • One entry per household

Additional information:

  • Additional photos can be purchased to ensure every smile is captured.

  • If your family is chosen for a spot, you will be contacted

  • We will create a waitlist in case the winning members cannot attend. The waitlisted members can be next in line for a spot if a member drops out.

  • Sarah will be on-site to greet families and answer questions about AutismBC programs.

You must be an AutismBC Member to be eligible to attend this event.
Not yet a member? Sign-up here: Join now
If you’re having difficulties with your login, please email us at hello@autismbc.ca


(Registration link will be live on November 12, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.)


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5:00 PM17:00

AutismBC Talks: Neurodivergence and Mental Health Supports: A Therapist’s Perspective

Join us for an informative AutismBC Talks: Neurodivergence and Mental Health Supports: A Therapist’s Perspective, This Talk is designed to empower individuals and families to better understand the intersection of neurodivergence and mental health and considerations for navigating mental health services and supports, from the perspectives and experiences of a clinical social worker in their role as a mental health therapist and researcher in this space.

Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:

• Learn from the experiences of a clinical social worker who works alongside mostly neurodivergent folks in a private practice counselling setting.
• Answers to your frequently asked questions about:
   Ways in which neurodivergence and mental health can intersect
   Common mental health experiences of neurodivergent individuals
   Common barriers and facilitators experienced by neurodivergent individuals in mental health systems of care
   Potential ways to support and reinforce mental health and wellbeing

Our goal is to offer an opportunity for participants to learn about common experiences of mental health and well-being among the neurodivergent community, to learn more about the research to date in this area, and to have your questions answered.

We will have a 1-hour question and answer session with Rae to address inquiries from our membership. We’ll begin by discussing Frequently Asked Questions in a Q&A format with Liv and Rae. These questions have been submitted in advance during the registration process. Towards the end, we’ll allocate approximately 15 minutes to address live questions.

Considering the sensitive nature of the topic and the past trauma some of our members have experienced while seeking mental health support, we intend to keep the recording private and not publicly post it. Following the live session, we will provide a summary and transcription of the questions on our blog.

Register Now!

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10:00 AM10:00

AutismBC Meets: Tuesdays (0-10yrs)

Join Sarah and community members for this Tuesday Meets Zoom chat. Sometimes all you need is to connect with someone who “gets it” and to be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while.

How: We’re hassle-free! Just bring yourself and your listening ears, and maybe a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. 

When: Tuesday, November 28th at 10:00 AM — 11:00 AM

Who: Parents and Caregivers of age 0-10 yrs autistic children and youth or those awaiting an assessment. This group is hosted by our Vancouver Island Regional Coordinator, Sarah Taylor.


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12:00 PM12:00

What is Autism presented by Autism BC

Creating Inclusive Communities

Would you like to learn how to better support someone on the autism spectrum? Would you like to make your business or place of work more inclusive by becoming more sensory-friendly? Our community inclusion autism training does just that! Over the course of an hour, participants learn how community members on the autism spectrum may experience the world with the goal of increasing autism awareness and acceptance.

The world we want to see is one where community accommodations are commonplace, and community spaces are designed to support all neurotypes.

We offer this workshop to build supportive, inclusive communities for autistic people. The world we want to see is one where community accommodations are commonplace.

Guided by insights from autism service providers, parents of autistic children, and self-advocates, our training tackles important questions:

  • What is Autism

  • How many people in BC are on the Autism spectrum?

  • What does AutismBC do?

  • How and why can my workplace offer simple accommodations to be more inclusive?

  • We will discuss all of these questions and more!

Join us for a 30-minute introduction session, followed by 30 minutes of questions. Extend the invitation to your co-workers, family, and friends — all are welcome!

Throughout our session, you will:

  • Expand your awareness about autism and the ways autistic people might experience the world.

  • Gain insight into how you may offer accommodations or alter environments to provide support.

Individuals come together for regular sessions, engaging in various ways. They can choose to participate by listening attentively, asking questions, or sharing a unique accommodation they have developed and believe others should adopt. Through collective efforts, we strive to enhance social inclusion within the autistic community throughout British Columbia.

Event Details:

  • Date: Thursday, Nov 23rd

  • Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm PST

  • Location: Live and online. The Zoom link will be provided in the registration confirmation as well as in a reminder email. We hope to see you there.


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1:00 PM13:00

Families/Caregivers of Adults on the Spectrum presented by Austism BC

Sometimes all you need is to connect with people who “get it” and to be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while. Join other parents and caregivers of adults on the spectrum two days a month for a Zoom chat. 

How: We’re hassle-free! Just bring yourself and your listening ears, and maybe a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. 

When: Wednesday, November 22, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Who: Parents and caregivers of adults on the autism spectrum. This group is administrated by our Information Officer Lindy Chau.

Cost: Free


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6:00 PM18:00

Victoria Autism Family Night presented by Victoria Society for Children with Austism

  • Victoria Society for Children with Autism (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come and be a part of Victoria Autism’s Family Night scheduled for November 10th, running from 6:30pm to 8pm. The venue is Saanich Baptist Church at 4347 Wilkinson Rd, Victoria, BC V8Z 5B8. Delight in delicious snacks while childcare services are also provided. See you there!

Register Now!

View Event →
1:00 PM13:00

Getting Together on the Spectrum presented by Autism BC

Are you an autistic adult who’s interested in meeting and connecting with other adults like yourself? If so, then this is the group for you!

Sometimes it is great to connect with someone who “gets it” and to be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while.

We will have group conversations about the importance of community inclusion, making communities more accessible, self advocacy, and any other topics that group attendees want to discuss.

How: We’re hassle-free! Just bring yourself and your listening ears, and maybe a cup of your favourite coffee or tea.  Join us on the computer or by phone. 

When: This support group runs on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, from 4:30 – 6:00pm on Zoom.

Who:  The group is a safe place for adults on the spectrum to share their personal journeys with autism, as well as the challenges they face, in a safe and supportive environment. Everybody’s lived experiences and personal stories are important. Please feel free to join, listen or share whether you have a diagnosis or self-identify! This group is administered by community members Ulina, Jon, Megan.

Cost: Free


View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Autism BC Meets: Caregiver Evenings

Sometimes all you need is to connect with people who “get it” and to be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while. Join other parents and caregivers of children/teens/adults on the spectrum two evenings a month for a Zoom chat.

How: We’re hassle-free! Just bring yourself and your listening ears, and maybe a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. 

When: This support group typically runs on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, from 6:30 – 8:00pm.

Who: Parents and caregivers of children/teens/adults on the autism spectrum. This group is administrated by our Interior Regional Coordinator, Lisa Watson, and community member Carla.

Cost: Free

Register Now!

View Event →
10:00 AM10:00

Autism BC Meets: 10+ yrs

Sometimes all you need is to connect with people who “get it” and to be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while. Join other parents and caregivers of age 10+ children and teens on the spectrum every Thursday morning for a Zoom chat. 

How: We’re hassle-free! Just bring yourself and your listening ears, and maybe a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. 

When: This support group runs from 10-11am on Thursdays. 

Who: Parents and Caregivers of age 10+yrs children and youth on the autism spectrum. This group is administrated by our Interior Regional Coordinator, Lisa Watson and our Northern Regional Coordinator & Program Coordinator Sharon Grattan

Cost: Free

Register Now!

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9:30 AM09:30

Autism BC Goes to Autism Aviation Day at YYJ

  • Victoria International Airport (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

AutismBC and Canucks Autism Network (CAN) are proud to partner with Victoria International Airport (YYJ), Air Canada & Air Canada Foundation to deliver Autism Aviation Day for individuals on the autism spectrum and their family members.


AutismBC Goes to YYJ Autism Aviation Day is an opportunity to practice the airport experience, decrease anxiety associated with air travel, and to build confidence for future travel success.

What is Autism Aviation Day?
Autism Aviation Day will take attendees through the entire pre-flight process, including check-in, security, finding the gate, waiting, aircraft boarding, simulated take-off and de-planing, in a safe and supportive environment. Following the experience, a reception with snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Who: This event is open to all individuals on the autism spectrum and their family members

When: Saturday, April 29th, 2023

Time: 9:30am-2:30pm

Where: Victoria International Airport Location: 1640 Electra Blvd, Sidney, BC V8L 5V4

Registration: Apply to attend! Sign up is open until Sun, Apr 9th

Please Note: there are a limited number of spaces available. Due to the popularity of this event, we anticipate that we will not be able to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend. ***All applicants will be notified of their enrollment status by Thursday, April 13th***


The event builds on the success of previous “airport accessibility tours” CAN has hosted in partnership with Vancouver International Airport (YVR) and Kelowna International Airport (YLW).



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10:30 AM10:30

POPARD TALK: Autism & Self-Advocacy

AutismBC is pleased to collaborate with Provincial Outreach Program for Autism and Related Disorders (POPARD) to present a series of Talks in 2023.


This Talk aims to help autistic children and youth increase their self-awareness and self-advocacy by sharing their diagnosis with them and exploring what this means to them.


This session will:

  • Provide a review of the research on sharing a diagnosis with children and youth.

  • Discuss strategies and support for parents/caregivers to assist with the process of sharing.

  • Discuss the importance of self-advocacy for autistic individuals, including resources to support this.

  • Include research that includes valuable insights from autistic voices as well as literature that provides a parent perspective


Topic: Sharing an Autism Diagnosis and the Importance of Self-Advocacy

Speaker: Veena Birring Hayer, MSW, RSW, Family-School Liaison, POPARD

Date: Friday, March 31, 2023

Time: 10:30 – 11:30AM (45 minutes presentation with 15 minutes Q&A)

Location: Online via Zoom


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9:00 AM09:00

Quiet Santa at Westshore Mall presented by Autism BC

Join us at Westshore Town Centre November 27th for Quiet Time with Santa.  

Christmas is a busy time of the year. Malls are crowded with people taking pictures with Santa, buying presents and just running around. The sights, sounds and smells of the mall can be overwhelming. Westshore Town Centre understands that this can be hard for children with autism and wants our community to also enjoy the holiday festivities. 

We have partnered with Westshore this holiday season to bring a Quiet Time with Santa. 

You are invited to join us for a sensory-friendly hour on Sunday, November 27th from 9 to 10am in Westshore Town Centre next to Coast Capital Savings. This exclusive event will provide a comfortable environment for families to enjoy their time with Santa in a quieter setting.  The mall music will be turned off during this time. 

Space is very limited and each family will have 5 minutes. You can Register HERE starting on November 14th at 1pm. 

 Your visit will include one photo. Additional photos can be purchased.

We hope to see you and your family on November 27th at Westshore Town Centre. 

AutismBC provides free, safe, and supportive community events where everyone can be themselves. These events are an opportunity for our members to come together, talk and, have fun with others who understand and share similar life experiences. Our goal is to reduce financial barriers to recreation and promote inclusion for people on the autism spectrum and their families.   

This event is FREE to AutismBC members.  If you have any questions, please contact  Sarah Taylor at staylor@autismbc.ca.  


Please also join us for Friday November 18th for a Talk on Preparing for Transition to Adulthood: Options for Post-Secondary and Employment

More information HERE

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8:00 PM20:00

The Concert for Hope, Help and Home

Community Living Victoria (CLV) Family Support is a fundraised program that has helped children, youth and adults with intellectual disabilities and autism to access services in the community for over 30 years. We provide service planning, referrals, and advocacy to a wide range of families and individuals struggling to access supports. In 2021 CLV Family Support provided direct support to 245 families. 


CLV is hosting a large fundraising event in November. Our concert for “Hope. Help. Home.” featuring the artist Ivan Hartle, will be held at the McPherson Playhouse on November 18, 2022. Our event is expected to draw over 500 supporters and participating businesses will be prominently featured during our virtual silent auction that will be launched that evening.  

The auction runs November 18 - 28, 2022, so mark the dates. The theme chosen, “Going Coastal”, reflects the great spirit, caring, and strength of our Island community as demonstrated throughout the pandemic.  

If you know anyone who has something to contribute to the Auction; whether it be a small item for a gift basket or a stand-alone item, please let us know. Your support makes a difference! 

Read More & Donate Here

Concert information and Tickets

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10:30 AM10:30

Autism BC Talks: Preparing for Transition to Adulthood: Options for Post-Secondary and Employment

AutismBC is pleased to collaborate with Provincial Outreach Program for Autism and Related Disorders (POPARD) to present a series of workshops in 2022. This Talk aims to provide resources for those making the transition to post-secondary education and workplaces.

Transitions are a natural part of life, but they may be particularly difficult for students with ASD. Planning early for the transition into adulthood can help make this important shift manageable for both families and autistic youth.

This session will:

  • Review prepation strategies through home and school

  • Provide information on the services and supports available in community

  • Discuss post-secondary and employment opportunities for autistic youth and young adults

You must register to attend this workshop.


There will be no recording for this workshop (policy of POPARD).

Stella will send you the Zoom link closer to the workshop day.

Speaker: Chelsea Jelic, MSc, RSLP, Consultant, POPARD

Time: Friday November 18, 2022 10:30 – 11:30AM

Topic: Preparing for Transition to Adulthood: Options for Post-Secondary and Employment

1 hour session:
– 45 minutes content and 15 minutes Q&A

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7:03 PM19:03

Autism BC Autistic Adults Goes to Trivia Night

Join us for Zoom Trivia night

What to expect:

4 rounds – 10 questions each round – 10 questions of a photo share ID on Zoom, possibly a music round – mark your own score

2-person teams so we will leave the Zoom chat open and people can private message their teammates or they can play with their roommates.

Sign up here to get the Zoom Link and to let us know that you are planning on coming.

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