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AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum

  • Austism BC Online Victoria, BC Canada (map)

This Meets Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) virtual meetup is designed for autistic adults seeking connections with like-minded individuals, whether diagnosed or self-identified. Sharing experiences with someone who truly understands can rejuvenate, providing the energy needed to navigate the journey ahead.

What: Join us for group discussions delving into the significance of community inclusion, strategies for enhancing community accessibility, the power of self-advocacy, and any other topics that resonate with the interests of our attendees.

How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When:This support group runs on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

Who:The group is a safe place for autistic adults to share their personal journeys with autism and the challenges they face in a safe and supportive environment. Everybody’s lived experiences and personal stories are important. Please feel free to join, listen or share whether you have a diagnosis or self-identify!

This Meets is facilitated by community members.

Facilitator Schedule: AutismBC Meets: Getting Together on the Spectrum (GTOTS) Facilitator Schedule 2024

Cost: Free


Earlier Event: November 28
AutismBC Socials: Minecraft Club