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AutismBC Socials: Minecraft Club

  • AustismBC Online Victoria, BC Canada (map)

AutismBC Socials offers community members with common interests and hobbies a way to connect openly and safely online. Our computer-based Minecraft Club hosted by Elysium on Zoom is an inclusive space for child & youth Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and play! Our mission is to inspire connection through sharing tips and tricks and playing together. 

How:  We bring you our monthly Minecraft Socials in partnership with Elysium, a non-profit building a Minecraft community for neurodivergent kids! Meet and play with other kids who love Minecraft over a moderated Zoom video call and on the private, white-listed server.

When:  November 28, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm 

Who: If your child/youth is a seasoned Minecraft player and familiar with the Elysium server, join this Intermediate/Advanced Club!  The Elysium Minecraft server is a whitelisted, supportive, and inclusive environment. It is available any time outside the monthly event for unstructured, safe play and social connection. This AutismBC Social Minecraft Club is administered by Michael & Serene, program volunteers with the Elysium team. 

While activities may range from month to month, we will play on Elysium’s modded RPG survival world. You will be able to:

  • Build your own survival base

  • Level up and earn in-game money by picking up mining, hunting, or crafting jobs.

  • Buy, sell, and trade resources from shopkeepers, villagers, and other players.

  • Participate in group challenges like building battles & mini-games while learning structured team play. 

Cost: Free*; AutismBC membership is required to participate in the event. *(One-time purchase of Minecraft Java Edition Software for PC/Mac)

Don’t have an AutismBC membership? It’s free! Signup here:


Before you register…

Registration Requirements: To register, all participants must have the following:

  • Purchase of Minecraft Java Edition for PC/Mac only is required.

  • Please click here if you need to purchase Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition for PC Deluxe Edition

  • You must log in to your AutismBC membership account to register.

  • Minecraft Java Edition (iPad, tablet or mobile devices are NOT compatible)

  • Zoom installed

  • First-time participants: If you have not already purchased Minecraft, please choose the “assisted set-up option” when you are registering for the event.