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AutismBC Meets: 0-10yrs

  • Autism BC Victoria, BC Canada (map)

This Meets virtual group is for parents and caregivers of autistic children aged 10 years and under. 

We are here to provide you with resources and information to empower you to make decisions and find support. Sometimes, all you need is to connect with someone who “gets it” and be recharged and uplifted to keep going for the next little while. We’re hassle-free! Bring yourself, your listening ears, and maybe a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. 

How: On Zoom, join via PC/Mac or mobile device. 

When: 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 10:00 AM — 11:00 AM

Who: Parents and Caregivers of aged 10 and under autistic children or those awaiting an autism assessment. 

Cost: Free

Our Vancouver Island Regional Coordinator, Sarah Taylor,  hosts the Meets, with additional Regional Coordinators taking turns as co-facilitators. 

Registration Process:

Please log in to your AutismBC account after clicking the link. Once logged in, you will be able to select which subscription lists you would like to opt into. By subscribing, you agree to receive related reminder emails, follow-ups, and information about additional programming and communications.