AutismBC Socials offers community members with common interests and hobbies a way to connect openly and safely online.
Our computer-based Introduction to Minecraft hosted by Elysium is an inclusive space for child & youth Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and play! Our mission is to inspire connection through sharing tips and tricks and playing together.
How: We bring you our monthly Minecraft Socials in partnership with Elysium, a non-profit building a Minecraft server community for neurodivergent kids! Come meet and play with other kids who love Minecraft over a moderated Zoom video call and on the private, white-listed server.
When: November 26, 2024, from 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Who: If your child/youth has been playing Minecraft for less than a year or if you’ve never played Minecraft on the Elysium server before — this is the right group for you. The Elysium Minecraft server is a whitelisted, supportive, and inclusive environment. It is available any time outside the monthly event for unstructured, safe play and social connection. This AutismBC Social Minecraft Club is administered by Michael & Serene, program volunteers with the Elysium team.
While activities may range from month to month, we will play on Elysium’s modded RPG survival world.
We will focus on teaching and practicing the fundamentals of the game, including:
Building any structure your heart desires
Exploring a Survival World
Farming and taming pets
Buy, sell, and trade resources from shopkeepers, villagers, and other players.
Participate in group challenges like building battles & mini-games while learning structured team play.
Cost: Free*; AutismBC membership is required to participate in the event. *(One-time purchase of Minecraft Java Edition Software for PC/Mac)
Don’t have an AutismBC membership? It’s free! Signup here:
Registration Requirements: To register, all participants must have the following:
A Computer or Laptop: (PC, Mac, or Linux)
Note: Chromebooks are not compatible with Minecraft.
A Personal Minecraft Java Edition Account:
Note: Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition is not compatible with the activity server.
Please click here if you need to purchase Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition for PC Deluxe Edition
A Microphone and Headphones/Earbuds
A Mouse: (With easy-to-use, left and right click buttons – not a trackpad)
A Reliable Internet Connection
A Webcam: (Optional, but highly recommended!)
A Second Monitor or Large Screen: (To view Zoom)
Zoom app installed
Note: First-time participants: If you have not purchased Minecraft, please select the “assisted set-up option” when registering for the event.
You must log in to your AutismBC membership account to register.