Each fall, the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services holds province-wide public consultations on the next provincial budget. The Committee is empowered to consider and to make recommendations on the annual reports, rolling three-year service plans and budgets of B.C.'s eight statutory offices.
One local mother who has been struggling with the transition process for her daughter from children to adult services is presenting to this committee about her experience. Like her, anyone can voice their opinions and discuss their experiences on this (or any other) subject with the committee directly at FinanceCommittee@leg.bc.ca (submissions by October 15)
Stories might include:
1) challenges you are facing
2) impact of transition on your child/family
3) possible solutions
Your voice matters! Together, you can make a difference!
For further information:
Jennifer Arril
Committee Clerk
Room 224 Parliament Buildings
Victoria BC V8V 1X4
T 250-356-2933