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Cantonese Parent Meeting: Autism—Now what do I do? presented by Autism BC

  • Autism BC online Victoria, BC Canada (map)



讓我們一起在 Stella Hui 的自閉症101工作坊中一起探討這些問題。

日期及時間:Mar 11, 2021 10:30 AM Pacific Time 



Autism: Now what do I do?

As parents of children on the autism spectrum, we feel overwhelmed and we may have many questions that we don’t know where to find the answers to.

Education, transitioning, making friends, self-regulation, social communication, therapies or interventions, behaviour management, sensory issues, mental health, respite, future planning, adult services, employment… the list goes on and on…

Let’s get together to ask questions—in our Autism 101 session with Stella Hui.

Topic: Autism: Now what do I do? 
Language: Cantonese
Time: Mar 11, 2021 10:30 AM Pacific Time 

If parents have questions about this workshop, they can ask Mable at, or Stella at

Stella Hui

Stella has been the Information Officer with AutismBC since 2006.  Other than her experience from work, being the parent of a son on the autism spectrum and an occupational therapist definitely widened her perspectives on autism. Over the years, Stella has met numerous parents and families, self-advocates, professionals, and others in the autism communities. She connects with the autism community through phone and email enquiries, the monthly workshops she organizes with speakers presenting on hot topics related to autism, the community support groups she facilitates, and the coffee meetups she coordinates for parents and families.