About the Event
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Individual Education Plans [IEP] have been key to supporting learning for children with diverse needs for decades and they remain an essential tool for school teams and families. This two-day workshop will focus on how IEP’s can be used most effectively to support students with autism and related developmental disabilities.
Primary consideration will be given to IEP design and implementation with case examples from kindergarten through high school. Topics will include correcting misconceptions about the role of IEP’s and the importance of building collaborative teams.
The goal of these two days is to give parents an understanding the IEP process from A to Z, including knowing where you are and where you are going:
Assessing “present level” and developing meaningful goals;
Selecting effective instructional methods;
Accountability: measurement of student achievement and IEP effectiveness.
This presentation will be particularly relevant to parents whose children are in the British Columbia education system, however, the need for evidence-based IEPs is a standard widely accepted internationally.
About the Presenter
Richard Stock, PhD, BCBA-D is one of B.C.’s most respected Behavior Analysts. He is highly regarded both as a teacher and a collaborative member of inter-disciplinary intervention teams.
Dr. Stock has been on faculty in the ABA – Autism Department at Capilano University since 2009 and co-ordinator of the program since 2013. He has extensive clinical experience. Since 1999 he has provided behavioral/educational consultative services to children and youth with ASD and other developmental disabilities in home, school and community settings. His scholarly and clinical interests include: ABA, behavioural intervention, knowledge dissemination and inter-disciplinary collaboration, and the application of ABA to education and environmental sustainability. He also teaches graduate courses in ABA as an Assistant Professor at the University of Western Ontario and Adjunct Faculty at UBC.
Workshop Schedule
9:30-10:30 Session 1
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:45 Session 2
11:45-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Session 3
1:30-1:45 Break
1:45-2:45Session 4
Note: All times are in Pacific Standard Time (PST), UTC -8.
This is a free event, made possible by our generous sponsors.