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Annual Halloween Dance presented by CNIB & Embrace

Hey Everybody,

You are invited to join us once again for the annual Halloween Dance (Only this year it's online!)

When: Saturday, October 24th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Where: Via Zoom! Register via this link:

Who: This family friendly event is open to individuals of all ages and abilities.

What: It's a dance! Join us for an evening of movement and connection hosted by your emcees, Emily McFarlane (of CNIB) and Tiffany Tjosvold (of Embrace Arts). Throw on a costume and boogie down with us!

Cost: This is a free event.

A few additional notes about this event:
- While we are going to have the chat function open, we ask that you keep all language and content appropriate for this all ages crowd. In the event that the chat is being misused, this feature will be closed. Let's be kind and considerate of one another.
- We also ask that you refrain from wearing gruesome or intentionally scary costumes to this particular event.
- We will not be using any form of strobing or flashing lights during this event.

This event will be streamed from the traditional and unceded territories, of the Lekwungen speaking people (known today as the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations)

Can't wait to connect! Invite your friends and let's dance together!